Monday, November 8, 2010

León (again): Volcano Boarding

Leaving Playa Jiquilillo pretty much requires that you pass through León again, but that was just fine as I'd missed a "can't-miss" attraction the first time 'round: volcano boarding.

I'll come right out and say it: this is dumb.  If you've ever skied, snowboarded or even gone sledding you've already experienced all the good bits (going fast down a hill) without any of the lousy bits (stones, pebbles, grit, gravel, dust, etc.).  But all the cool kids were doing it, and it was only $25.  And they gave you a t-shirt.  It was the t-shirt that really sealed the deal.

 The site for the boarding is Cerro Negro, a fairly new little volcano about an hour outside of town.  Due to it's youth (a mere 150 years), it's pretty much nothing but rock and gravel.

 A nearby, older volcano.

 A few of my fellow boarders surveying the countryside.  It's about a 45 minute hike up.  Not too bad at all.

 The first time up (we got to do it twice) we walked right through the caldera itself.

The volcanic activity wasn't all that impressive.  Much more entertaining was our guide: a very hungover Swissman on day two of a three day "cleansing" regimen.  He was hiking and boarding on nothing but fruit and water.  The combination of hungover, low blood sugar and classic Swiss earnestness was absolutely hilarious: "Ja, I cannot be eating anything but de fruit." "Oh, so that's why you're moving pretty slowly?" "Ja, vell, that and de drinking."

 The last stretch out of the caldera was pretty bad: steep and loose and airless.  Note the cheery look on the face of my compatriot.

The line of lava flows and the green countryside beyond.

The views and the breeze up top were altogether lovely.

After taking in the views (and recovering from the climb) we all suited up to go boarding.

It's not something I feel a need to do again, but it was fun enough, I suppose.  Gritty.  But something new, certainly.

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