Saturday, November 20, 2010

Corn Islands: Caribbean Perfection

We'd heard the Corn Islands were nice, so we went.

It's possible to get there by bus/river boat/ferry, but that would have taken a couple of days each way.  So we flew.

I really can't recommend the Corn Islands highly enough.  From the States it's an easy flight to Managua and you don't even have to leave the airport: just get right on the puddle jumper.  They're what the rest of the Caribbean must have been like 30 or 50 years ago.

Big Corn is actually much less touristy than Little Corn, which is just about completely covered in bars, restaurants, hostels and dive shops.  This place cost $15/night, I think.

Not the most stunning of sunsets, I suppose, but all the nicer when viewed from your balcony.

It rarely broke out into full on sunlight, but we went to the beach nonetheless.

On Little Corn there were more tourists (backpackers, mostly) and some lovely stretches of beach.  And you can stay right there.  This picture was taken from within the hostel.

When the sun did make its brief appearances, it was all just about perfect.

This pose was Michal's idea, I swear.  There just happened to be a bottle of rum lying nearby.  Pure coincidence, I tells ya.

It's funny, really.  We were on the Corn Islands for 5 or 6 days, but I hardly remember doing anything.  We went SCUBA diving one day (it was good, but we didn't see the best sites.  I need to go back).  We went to the beach a couple of times, but never for all that long.  It kept clouding over.  We tried to watch the World Cup final, but the power went out.  But it was still one of the best places I've been.

Must have been the company.

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