Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sneak Into Petra: It's Fun, Easy and Free!

A couple of friends is are gonna give this a shot. Wish them him luck.

Screw those prices.

The general lay of the land.

The Amra Palace Hotel (marked on the following map) is the last major structure above the entrance to Petra. It's huge: you can't miss it. Normal people go to the left and down below the Amra (red). The more adventuresome (and poor) go to the right, down the dry river bed below the Amra (blue). As you're heading down this river bed, the Amra will be directly behind you and there will be a road above and to the right. You're following a water course. Just move downhill and you'll be fine.

From Lonely Planet.

The general idea is quite simple: head downhill directly away from the Amra Palace Hotel. When the canyon starts getting tall and narrow, turn left. After a few hundred meters another canyon joins from the left. I DO NOT RECOMMEND TAKING THIS LEFT. This canyon will lead back through the Nabotean Tunnel to the main entrance to Petra (the Siq). There is a Tourist Police kiosk right there.

Heading down from the Amra Palace Hotel. There's a big rock.

Canyon starts to narrow. Keep to the right as long as possible.

You'll see Nabotean irrigation channels.

Looks impassible, but head for the gigantic boulder on the left, there's a bit of a cleft.

Bingo. Slither through.

Right after you get through the cleft, turn around. Nabotean niches. You're on the right track.

Also, rock cut steps. Keep going.

There's a pretty decent sized tree. You're about to make a 90 degree turn to the left.

It'll take a bit of scrambling, but just keep going down hill.

There might be a little water, but it shouldn't be more than waist deep. Just be careful for loose stones and whatnot. Bad place to twist an ankle, right?

See those arrows? IGNORE THEM. Don't turn left. Keep going straight.

Another couple of hundred meters beyond this point and the canyon will widen out and you'll see ruins in the distance. You're in.

A few pieces of general advice:
  • Flash floods are exceedingly dangerous and unpredictable. If there is a chance of rain, I would strongly recommend against attempting to sneak in. In even a relatively light rain, these canyons could very quickly become raging torrents, and for long stretches there is absolutely no way to higher ground.
  • I never saw any guards or security personnel watching from the Amra Palace Hotel or the nearby parking lots, but nonetheless, it is probably a good idea to leave pretty early in the morning.
  • If you have the time, it's also not a bad idea to scout around a little before actually making the attempt. Perhaps on the afternoon you arrive in Wadi Musa. Just don't do what I did.
  • Bring water, food and layered clothing. Seriously, you don't want to do what I did.
Good luck! - !בהצלחה


  1. I am that friend. I will need this luck...

  2. Yeah, those prices are really not fair. But I guess you didn't make it, huh? I can't find any info on your blog :/

    1. Sorry for the hugely late reply, but yes: I definitely made it. Several times, in fact. There are a pair of posts on Petra from March 2011.

  3. thanks a lot for this detailed sneatching in plan. I´ll try it tomorrow early in the morning. Checked today the suroundings and I think it s also possible to climb down from Al- Wu´eira Fort then take the canyon. But I´ll see tomorrow. :)

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  5. You are so awesome, thanks a lot for the information, it help me save 50JD to sneak in^^ and the experience in the canyon is more exciting thank inside the Petra. Thanks!

  6. And I post some pictures on my Google+ account, you can see the pictures if you are interested to see the changes(almost nothing changed though).

  7. This route is still working as of february 2019. Be prepared to arrive wet, as when I was there, there was seemingly no way through without dropping into waist deep water (and it was 3 celsius). I luckily got invited for tea and to dry my clothes by some cave dwelling bedoins. CLIMBING DOWN SOME IS REQUIRED, DONT BE FOOLED IT IS NOT AS EASY AS WALKING IN
