Wednesday, March 10, 2010


There was nothing special that drew me to Durango; it is decent sized town and was an overnight bus ride away from Creel. My guidebook mentions its charming old town center. I was very pleasantly surprised.

I want a door like this.

Or a door handle like this.

I can't help believing life would be more exciting and interesting were it spent coming and going through such portals.

I mean, seriously, look at this door. This is a place where hushed whispers are exchanged, or passionate final embraces. State secrets are sold in a doorways like this. This door has drama. Presence. Couldn't we all use more of that in our lives?

Beautiful buildings are a balm for the mundane. There's a McDonald's behind some of those windows, as I recall.

I could use a balcony like this. I'd use it to address the people. My people. Benevolently and magnanimously, of course. Unless they crossed me... then they would feel the full force of my rage.

Even the vacant buildings look great. I would very much like to have a reason to rent a building like this.

And governmental buildings? Don't get me started.

I love this courtyard idea. It brings the outside in.

And murals. Just wait 'til we get to Mèxico City (well, 'til you get there, really.. I've already left).*

There's a cathedral, of course, where I accidentally attended a funeral (I thought it was a regular old mass).

When I came back to take pictures the setting sun was doing pretty great things for the lighting.

The dome.

I also swung by a museum dedicated to a fellow named Guillermo Ceniceros. It was free and across the street from a top notch sandwich shop. And the art wasn't half bad, either.

He seems to have been a big fan of overlapping female forms. This is one of his more.. realistic? Most tended toward geometric, circular layouts.

*A brief note on time and disconnection therefrom: as most of you are probably already aware, this blog is far from current. I was in Durango at least two weeks ago now. I will be attempting to get caught up in the next week or so, while I study Spanish and relax here in Puerto Escondido. The cities between Durango and Puerto Escondido were Mazatlàn, Guadalajara and Mèxico City. I plan to spend the next week and a half here.


  1. The sense of presence and the courtyards I like; the drama you can keep!

  2. Your architectural photography is beautiful.

  3. I just now realized that you folks are actually commenting on my posts. Thanks! I'm doing my best to get all caught up.
