Thursday, February 18, 2010

Finally on the Road

October 12th to February 18th and I've done..

..not a whole helluva lot, to be perfectly honest.

It's odd how easy it is to completely waste more than four months of your life. Sure, I went surfing a bunch. Sure, I helped out my family here and there. But did I accomplish anything of actual import? Did I brush up on my Spanish? Research my destinations and route? Ensure I had everything I needed and that my affairs were in order?

Nah. That's not really my style.

So, in a flurry half-assed preparation and last minute packing, I flew to San Diego then took a bus from San Diego to Tijuana (it only took 2 tries!). After a pair of 12 hour bus rides (broken up by a night in Guerrero Negro) I find myself in La Paz, Baja California Sur. It seems a nice enough little beach town, though at the moment everyone seems to be still hung over from the Mardi Gras celebration I managed to just miss.

I think it's still sinking in that I finally, finally, finally followed through and am on the road. Hopefully I'll hit my stride soon.

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