Saturday, December 4, 2010

5 Fucking Hours

..that's how much longer I had to wait before flying out of Quito for Israel.  And I got robbed.  Computer, camera, music player annnnnd (drum roll, please) my passport!  So I didn't get on that 10:30am flight.  Instead I spent all morning dealing with lacksidaisical Ecuadorean cops and all afternoon dealing with surprisingly, wonderfully helpful American Embassy and American Airlines staff.

In the end, it only took me that afternoon and about $150 to get a new passport and re-scheduled flights.  Not all that bad in the grand scheme of things, really.


With all of my photos gone this blog is basically defunct.  As much as y'all like me and as much as I like to talk, I don't think anyone wants to reads a pure text description of my 3 months in South America.

Sorry folks.  Check back later and maybe I'll have something good to show you from the Middle East.


  1. We will sorely miss your missives and musings. We hope your adventures and pictures come again quickly!

  2. Laaaaaame.

    Also I just got your postcard. I'm pretending it's a holiday card.


  3. wow. sorry to hear that you got robbed in Quito, so many freaking people get robbed there. Was it in just those 5 hr?

    I hope you did enjoy South America!!! We loved it, especially Argentina!! The cherry on the top!

    Sending lots of good vibes!
